TR Assistant

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Download TR Assistant software

TR Assistant 2.03TR_Assistant_2.03.exe10Mb
TR Assistant 2.03 for installation onto a removable device (e.g. flash drive)TR_Assistant_2.03.zip15Mb
     This archive contains files needed to run TR Assistant dictionary shell, as well as TR Compile program, required to compile dictionaries from text files.
     After installing this program, you may transfer it from one PC to another with all dictionaries just copying the directory containing TR Assistant files. TR Assiatant may be started just by executing TR_Assistant.exe file. To start TR Compile, run TR_Compile.exe. The program may be run from a hard drive or a flash device.
     The functions of unregistered version are limited: only two dicionaries may be used.
     You may register the program here.

Download help file for TR Assistant

Updated help file in Russian for TR AssistantHelpRus_2.03.zip800Kb
     TR Assistant package already contains all necessary help files. However, you may download them seperetely.
     Help files in English and Spanish will be available soon.

Download source code of AOTLemm morphological analysis library
(distributed under GNU LGPL)

AOTLemm library source codeAOTLemm.zip30Kb